Jane Webb

Showing 12 publications


Alliances in financial ecosystems: A source of organizational legitimacy for fintech startups and incumbents

Christopher Svensson, Jakob Udesen, Jane Webb
Technology Innovation Management Review. Vol. 9 (1), p. 20-32
Journal article

Shaping meaning about joint action in meta-organisational meetings

Jane Webb
Proceedings of the British Academy. Vol. 2019
Paper in proceeding

Contributing to a sustainable city by organising as a meta-organisation

Jane Webb
Proceedings of the the ISPIM Innovation Conference
Paper in proceeding

Designing participation with talk around an organigram

Jane Webb
Participatory Innovation Conference, 11-13 January 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden, p. 219-226
Paper in proceeding

Keeping alive inter-organisational innovation through identity work and play

Jane Webb
International Journal of Innovation Management. Vol. 21 (5)
Journal article

Keeping alive inter-organisational innovation through the interplay of organisational identities

Jane Webb
The ISPIM Innovation Forum, Toronto, Canada on 19-22 March 2017
Paper in proceeding

Designing participation with talk around an organigram

Jane Webb
The ISPIM Innovation Summit, Melbourne, Australia on 10-13 December 2017
Paper in proceeding

"He just doesn’t catch it in his heart"

Jane Webb
Licentiate thesis

In search of meaning: Everyday encounters for inter-organisational innovation

Jane Webb
The ISPIM Innovation Conference, Vienna, Austria on 18-21 June 2017
Paper in proceeding

Performances in the selling of an innovation platform

Jane Webb
3rd World Open Innovation Conference (WOIC), December 15-16 2016, Barcelona
Paper in proceeding

What is "value" in open innovation?

Kamilla Kohn Rådberg, Susanne Ollila, Jane Webb
The ISPIM Innovation Forum, Boston, MA, USA on 13-16 March 2016
Paper in proceeding

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