Carolin Wang-Hansen

Showing 11 publications


Evaluation of an Integrated Selective Catalytic Reduction-Coated Particulate Filter

Oana Mihai, Stefanie Tamm, M. Stenfeldt et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 54 (47), p. 11779-11791
Journal article

CFD Characerization of Monolithic Reactors for Kinetic Studies

Soheil Soltani, Carolin Wang-Hansen, Ronnie Andersson et al
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. Vol. 92 (9), p. 1570-1578
Journal article

Kinetic analysis of O2- and NO2-based oxidation of synthetic soot

Carolin Wang-Hansen, Soheil Soltani, Bengt Andersson
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 117 (1), p. 522-531
Journal article

Characterization of particulate matter from direct injected gasoline engines

Carolin Wang-Hansen, Per Ericsson, Björn Lundberg et al
Topics in Catalysis. Vol. 56 (1-8), p. 446-451
Journal article

Kinetic Analysis of Automotive Soot Oxidation

Carolin Wang-Hansen
Doctoral thesis

Experimental Method for Kinetic Studies of Gas-Solid Reactions: Oxidation of Carbonaceous Matter

Carolin Wang-Hansen, Carl Justin Kamp, Magnus Skoglundh et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 115 (32), p. 16098-16108
Journal article

Influence of carbon-catalyst interactions on carbon black oxidation

Carolin Ohlson, Magnus Skoglundh, Bengt Andersson et al
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Catalysis and Automotive Pollution Control (CAPoC8)
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of particulate emissions and methodology for oxidation of particulates from non-diesel combustion systems

Per Ericsson, M Holmström, Annika Amberntsson Carlsson et al
SAE Technical Paper (2008-01-1746)
Journal article

Kinetic studies on heterogeneous oxidation of carbon black

Carolin Ohlson, Carl Justin Kamp, Magnus Skoglundh et al
Proceedings of the 13th Nordic Symposium on Catalysis, Göteborg, Sweden, October 5-7
Paper in proceeding

Characterization of particulate emissions and methodology for oxidation of particulates from non-diesel combustion systems

Per Ericsson, M Holmström, Annika Amberntsson et al
Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers International Powertrains, Fuels and Lubricants Congress, Shanghai, China, June 23-25
Paper in proceeding

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