Martin Krauss

Tillfällig förlängning at Subatomic and Plasma Physics image

Showing 6 publications


Constraints on new scalar and vector mediators from LHC dijet searches

Sebastian Baum, Riccardo Catena, Martin Krauss
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. Vol. 47 (5)
Journal article

Non-relativistic effective interactions of spin 1 Dark Matter

Riccardo Catena, Kåre Fridell, Martin Krauss
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2019 (8)
Journal article

Impact of a XENONnT signal on LHC dijet searches

Sebastian Baum, Riccardo Catena, Martin Krauss
Journal of High Energy Physics. Vol. 2019 (7)
Journal article

Determining dark matter properties with a XENONnT/LZ signal and LHC Run 3 monojet searches

Sebastian Baum, Riccardo Catena, Jan Conrad et al
Physical Review D. Vol. 97 (8)
Journal article

Compatibility of a dark matter discovery at XENONnT or LZ with the WIMP thermal production mechanism

Riccardo Catena, Jan Conrad, Martin Krauss
Physical Review D. Vol. 97 (10)
Journal article

Dark matter spin determination with directional direct detection experiments

Riccardo Catena, Martin Krauss, Jan Conrad et al
Physical Review D. Vol. 97 (2)
Journal article

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