Laura Cordova Gonzalez

Showing 12 publications


Impact of powder properties on deoxidation and densification of carbon steels during powder bed fusion – Laser beam

William Hearn, Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Ahmad Raza et al
Powder Technology. Vol. 431
Journal article

Ex-situ characterization and simulation of density fluctuations evolution during sintering of binder jetted 316L

Alberto Cabo Rios, T. Mishurova, Laura Cordova Gonzalez et al
Materials and Design. Vol. 238
Journal article

Analysis of Processability and Reusability of Ti6Al4V Powder for PBF-EB

Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Fouzi Bahbou, Eduard Hryha
Euro Powder Metallurgy 2023 Congress and Exhibition, PM 2023
Paper in proceeding

Impact of powder reusability on batch repeatability of Ti6Al4V ELI for PBF-LB industrial production

Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Cindy Sithole, Eric Macía Rodríguez et al
Powder Metallurgy. Vol. 66 (2), p. 129-138
Journal article

Highly Sensitive Nonlinear Identification to Track Early Fatigue Signs in Flexible Structures

Ed Habtour, Dario Di Maio, Thijs Masmeijer et al
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems. Vol. 5 (2)
Journal article

Rheological Behavior of Inconel 718 Powder for Electron-Beam Melting

Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Ahmad Raza, Eduard Hryha
Metals. Vol. 12 (7)
Journal article

Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of dispersion strengthened CoCrNi by ex-situ addition of TiN

Sri Bala Aditya Malladi, Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Sheng Guo et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 111, p. 368-372
Paper in proceeding

Impact of powder recoating speed on built properties in PBF-LB process

Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Zhuoer Chen
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 115, p. 125-129
Paper in proceeding

The effect of absorption ratio on meltpool features in laser-based powder bed fusion of IN718

Mahyar Khorasani, Amir Hossein Ghasemi, Martin Leary et al
Optics and Laser Technology. Vol. 153
Journal article

Effect of powder variability on laser powder bed fusion processing and properties of 316L

Dmitri Riabov, Laura Cordova Gonzalez, Eduard Hryha et al
European Journal of Materials. Vol. 2 (1), p. 202-221
Journal article

A comprehensive study on meltpool depth in laser-based powder bed fusion of Inconel 718

Mahyar Khorasani, Amir Hossein Ghasemi, Martin Leary et al
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 120 (3-4), p. 2345-2362
Journal article

Numerical and analytical investigation on meltpool temperature of laser-based powder bed fusion of IN718

Mahyar Khorasani, Amir Hossein Ghasemi, Martin Leary et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 177
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Rerouting material streams in the additive manufacturing value chain (RECIRCLE)

Laura Cordova Gonzalez Materials and manufacture

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