Georgia Manika

Showing 7 publications


On the Ferroelectric to Paraelectric Structural Transition of BaTiO<inf>3</inf> Micro-/Nanoparticles and Their Epoxy Nanocomposites

Georgia Manika, Konstantinos S. Andrikopoulos, Georgios C. Psarras
Molecules. Vol. 25 (11)
Journal article

SrTiO3/Epoxy Nanodielectrics as Bulk Energy Storage and Harvesting Systems: The Role of Conductivity

Georgia Manika, Georgios C. Psarras
ACS Applied Energy Materials. Vol. 3 (1), p. 831-842
Journal article

Barium titanate/epoxy resin composite nanodielectrics as compact capacitive energy storing systems

Georgia Manika, Georgios C. Psarras
Express Polymer Letters. Vol. 13, p. 749-758
Journal article

Probing the multifunctional behaviour of barium zirconate/barium titanate/epoxy resin hybrid nanodielectrics

Z. M. Tsikriteas, Georgia Manika, A. C. Patsidis et al
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. Vol. 142 (1), p. 231-243
Journal article

Development, dielectric response and functionality of SrTiO3/epoxy nanocomposites

Georgia Manika, Georgios C. Psarras
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. Vol. 30, p. 13740-13748
Journal article

Mechanical Behavior of Melt‐Mixed 3D Hierarchical Graphene/Polypropylene Nanocomposites

Karolina Gaska, Georgia Manika, Thomas Gkourmpis et al
Polymers. Vol. 12 (6)
Journal article

Energy storage and harvesting in BaTiO3/epoxy nanodielectrics

Georgia Manika, Georgios C. Psarras
IET High Voltage . Vol. 1 (4), p. 151-157
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


High performance and scalable tailored graphene - polyolefin nanocomposites

Georgia Manika Engineering Materials
Christian Müller Christian Müller Group
Roland Kádár Engineering Materials

3 publications exist
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