Lokesh Mopuri

Doctoral Student at Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems

Lokesh is a doctoral student at the division of Combustion and Propulsion Systems. His research interest includes optics, laser-based diagnostics, droplet and spray process. His doctoral research work largely experimental in nature and includes advanced diagnostics including ballistic and high-speed shadow imaging to visualize liquid breakup and the dynamics of spray formation in the near-nozzle region of pilot injections. The aim is to generate high-quality experimental data for understanding spray formation in transient injection that will benefit applications in dual-fuel combustion.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 2 publications


Shape/penetration analysis and comparisons of isolated spray plumes in a multi-hole Diesel spray

Lokesh Mopuri, Viljam Grahn, David Sedarsky et al
Experiments in Fluids. Vol. 65
Journal article

Transient Spray Mode Fuel Injection

Lokesh Mopuri
Licentiate thesis

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