Natalia Stepanyants

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Showing 7 publications


Spontaneous shape transformation of free-floating lipid membrane nanotubes

Natalia Stepanyants, HAIJIANG ZHANG, Tatsiana Lobovkina et al
Soft Matter. Vol. 9 (21), p. 5155-5159
Journal article

Studying Bending Rigidity of Model Vesicles and Cell Plasma Membrane using Lipid Nanotubes

Natalia Stepanyants, Gavin Jeffries, Owe Orwar et al
Biophysical Journal. Vol. 104 (2), p. 43A-44A
Magazine article

Radial Sizing of Lipid Nanotubes Using Membrane Displacement Analysis

Natalia Stepanyants, Gavin Jeffries, Owe Orwar et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 12 (3), p. 1372-1378
Journal article

Generation of phospholipid vesicle-nanotube networks and transport of molecules therein

Aldo Jesorka, Natalia Stepanyants, HAIJIANG ZHANG et al
Nature Protocols. Vol. 6 (6), p. 791-805
Journal article

A multi-purpose microfluidic pipette for single-cell analysis

Alar Ainla, Erik Jansson, Natalia Stepanyants et al
14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010; Groningen; Netherlands; 3 October 2010 through 7 October 2010. Vol. 2, p. 932-934
Paper in proceeding

A Microfluidic Pipette for Single-Cell Pharmacology

Alar Ainla, Erik Jansson, Natalia Stepanyants et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 82 (11), p. 4529-4536
Journal article

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