Shuli Wang

Showing 4 publications


Probabilistic Prediction of Longitudinal Trajectory Considering Driving Heterogeneity With Interpretability

Shuli Wang, Kun Gao, Lanfang Zhang et al
IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine. Vol. In Press
Journal article

Geographically weighted machine learning for modeling spatial heterogeneity in traffic crash frequency and determinants in US

Shuli Wang, Kun Gao, Lanfang Zhang et al
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 199
Journal article

A Novel Longitudinal Control Strategy of Connected Automated Vehicle in Heterogeneous Traffic Flow and String Stability Analysis

Li Genze, Zhang Lanfang, Shuli Wang
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 356, p. 149-160
Paper in proceeding

Multivariate Sequence Clustering for Driving Preference Classification Based on Wide-Range Trajectory Data

Shuli Wang, Ruo Jia, Lanfang Zhang
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. Vol. 356, p. 45-54
Paper in proceeding

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