Placid Tchoffor Atongka

Showing 10 publications


Influence of Surrounding Conditions and Fuel Size on the Gasification Rate of Biomass Char in a Fluidized Bed

Louise Lundberg, Placid Tchoffor Atongka, David Pallarès et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 144, p. 323-333
Journal article

Influence of Fuel Ash Characteristics on the Release of Potassium, Chlorine, and Sulfur from Biomass Fuels under Steam-Fluidized Bed Gasification Conditions

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, F. Moradian, A. Pettersson et al
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 30 (12), p. 10435-10442
Journal article

Thermodynamic equilibrium prediction of bed agglomeration tendency in dual fluidized-bed gasification of forest residues

F. Moradian, Placid Tchoffor Atongka, K. O. Davidsson et al
Fuel Processing Technology. Vol. 154, p. 82-90
Journal article

Determination of Kinetic Parameters for the Gasification of Biomass Char Using a Bubbling Fluidised Bed Reactor

Louise Lundberg, Placid Tchoffor Atongka, Robert Johansson et al
Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Fluidized Bed Conversion, p. 456-464
Paper in proceeding

Production of Activated Carbon within the Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification Process

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, K. O. Davidsson, Henrik Thunman
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 54 (15), p. 3761-3766
Journal article

Effects of Steam on the Release of Potassium, Chlorine, and Sulfur during Char Conversion, Investigated under Dual-Fluidized-Bed Gasification Conditions

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, K. O. Davidsson, Henrik Thunman
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 28 (11), p. 6953-6965
Journal article

Transforming and Release of Potassium, Chlorine, and Sulfur from Wheat Straw under Conditions Relevant for Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, Henrik Thunman, Kent Davidsson
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (12), p. 7510-7520
Journal article

Transformation and Release of Potassium, Chlorine, and Sulfur from Wheat Straw under Conditions Relevant to Dual Fluidized Bed Gasification

Placid Tchoffor Atongka, K. O. Davidsson, Henrik Thunman
Energy & Fuels. Vol. 27 (12), p. 7510-7520
Journal article

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