Mats Thunwall

Showing 11 publications


Biodegradable composition for film blowing

Antal Boldizar, Mats Thunwall, Vanda Kuthanova

Some effects of processing on the molecular structure and morphology of thermoplastic starch

Annika Altskär, Roger Andersson, Antal Boldizar et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 71 (4), p. 591-597
Journal article

Film blowing of thermoplastic starch

Mats Thunwall, Vanda Kuthanova, Antal Boldizar et al
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 71, p. 583-590
Journal article

Processing and properties of mineral-interfaced cellulose fibre composites

Mats Thunwall, Antal Boldizar, Mikael Rigdahl et al
Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 107 (2), p. 918-929
Journal article

On the stress-strain behavior of thermoplastic starch melts

Mats Thunwall, Antal Boldizar, Mikael Rigdahl et al
International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. Vol. 11 (6), p. 419-428
Journal article

The effect of some plasticizers on the viscosity and stress-strain behaviour of thermoplastic starch melts

Mats Thunwall, Vanda Khutanova, Antal Boldizar et al
Proc. Nordic Polymer Days, Copenhagen, p. Section 3.4-
Other conference contribution

Extrusion processing of high amylose potato starch materials

Mats Thunwall, Antal Boldizar, Mikael Rigdahl
Carbohydrate Polymers. Vol. 65, p. 441-446
Journal article

Compression molding and tensile properties of thermoplastic potato starch materials

Mats Thunwall, Antal Boldizar, Mikael Rigdahl
Biomacromolecules. Vol. 7, p. 981-986
Journal article

On processing of thermoplastic starch

Mats Thunwall
Licentiate thesis

Thermoplastic properties of oxidised starch

Mats Thunwall, Vanda Kuthanova, Antal Boldizar et al
Nordic Polymer Days 2005, p. 65-66
Other conference contribution

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