Anna Tidstam

Showing 14 publications


Formulating Constraint Satisfaction Problems for the Inspection of Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist, Alexey Voronov et al
Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM. Vol. 30 (3), p. 313-328
Journal article

A Systematic Process for Developing Product Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management. Vol. 8 (1), p. 46-64
Journal article

Formal Methods for the Inspection of Vehicle Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist, Alexey Voronov et al

A Systematic Process for Developing Vehicle Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist

Obstacles and development of support for translation of configuration rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED. Vol. 4 DS75-04, p. 119-128
Journal article

Comparison of Configuration Rule Visualizations Methods

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 409, p. 550-559
Paper in proceeding

Comparison of configuration rule visualization methods

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 409, p. 550-559
Paper in proceeding

Development of Industrial Visualization Tools for Validation of Vehicle Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam, Lars-Ola Bligård, Fredrik Ekstedt et al
Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Tools and Methods of Competitive Engineering, 7-11 May, Karlsruhe, Germany., p. 305-318
Paper in proceeding

Verification of Item Usage Rules in Product Configuration

Alexey Voronov, Anna Tidstam, Knut Åkesson et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 388 AICT, p. 182-191
Paper in proceeding

Developing Vehicle Configuration Rules

Anna Tidstam
Licentiate thesis

PLM and International Product Development

Mattias Bokinge, Christoffer E Levandowski, Anna Tidstam
Entering the Tiger's Cave - Perspectives on Japanese and Swedish Product Development. Dag Bergsjö (Ed.), p. 13-18
Book chapter

Authoring and verifying vehicle configuration rules

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 11-13 July, Eindhoven, The Netherlands., p. 33-46
Paper in proceeding

Information Modelling for Automotive Configuration

Anna Tidstam, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of NordDesign 2010, Göteborg, Sweden, p. 275-286
Paper in proceeding

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