Tommy Fässberg

Showing 13 publications


Relations between complexity, quality and cognitive automation in mixed-model assembly

Åsa Fasth Berglund, Tommy Fässberg, Filip Hellman et al
Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Vol. 4 (11), p. 449-455
Journal article

Interaction between Complexity, Quality and Cognitive Automation

Tommy Fässberg, Åsa Fasth, Filip Hellman et al
Proc. 4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS 2012), Ann Arbor, 21-22 May 2012
Paper in proceeding

Comparing Two Methods to Measure Assembly Complexity From An Operator Perspective

Per Gullander, Sandra Mattsson, Tommy Fässberg et al
Swedish Production Symposium, SPS12
Paper in proceeding

A classification of carrier and content of information

Tommy Fässberg, Åsa Fasth, Johan Stahre
4th CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems (CATS 2012), Ann Arbor, 21-22 May 2012,
Paper in proceeding

Cognitive Automation in Mixed-Model Assembly Systems

Tommy Fässberg
Licentiate thesis

Towards a Production Complexity Model that Supports Operation, Re-balancing and Man-hour Planning

Per Gullander, Anna Davidsson, Kerstin Dencker et al
Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS): Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

An Empirical Study Towards a Definition of Production Complexity

Tommy Fässberg, Ulrika Ny Harlin, Karin Garmer et al
International Conference on Production Research
Paper in proceeding

Cognitive automation in assembly systems for mass customization

Tommy Fässberg, Åsa Fasth, Sandra Mattsson et al
Proceedings of the 4th Swedish Production Symposium (SPS), Lund, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Production Complexity and its impact on Manning

Ulrika Ny Harlin, Gunnar Bäckstrand, Tommy Fässberg et al
In proceedings of the 28th International Manufacturing Conference (IMC)
Paper in proceeding

Development of production cells with regard to physical and cognitive automation -A decade of evolution

Åsa Fasth, Sandra Mattsson, Tommy Fässberg et al
International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM)
Paper in proceeding

Measuring Interaction Using Levels of Automation over TIme

Sandra Mattsson, Tommy Fässberg, Johan Stahre et al
21st International Conference on Production Research
Paper in proceeding

IPod Touch – an ICT tool for assembly operators in factories of the future - Technical concepts and requirements

Gustaf Nordin, Tommy Fässberg, Åsa Fasth et al
Proceedings of the 3rd CIRP Conference on Assembly Technologies and Systems
Paper in proceeding

iPod touch – an ICT tool for operators in factories of the future?

Tommy Fässberg, Gustaf Nordin, Åsa Fasth et al
Proceedings of 43rd CIRP International Conference on Manufacturing Systems 2010
Paper in proceeding

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