Takashi Uematsu

Showing 10 publications


Mechanistic Insight into the Structure and Dynamics of Entangled and Hydrated lambda-Phage DNA

S. Chakraborty, Takashi Uematsu, Christer Svanberg et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 116 (17), p. 4274-4284
Journal article

Effect of Glycation on the Structure and Dynamics of DNA: A Critical Spectroscopic Approach

Bidisa Sengupta, Takashi Uematsu, Per Jacobsson et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 111 (3), p. 646-651
Journal article

Generic Properties of Polymer Solutions

Takashi Uematsu
Doctoral thesis

New class of dynamics in concentrated polymer gels

Christer Svanberg, Takashi Uematsu, Peter Berntsen et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 126 (5), p. Art. No. 051103-
Journal article

Solvent diffusion in a gel when escaping the confining polymer cage

Christer Svanberg, Dennis Engberg, Takashi Uematsu et al
European Physical Journal: Special Topics. Vol. 141 (1), p. 273-276
Journal article

Molecular Weight Dependence of Network Length Scales in Polymer Solutions

Takashi Uematsu, Christer Svanberg, Per Jacobsson
Macromolecules. Vol. 39 (5), p. 2000-2003
Journal article

A unified picture of static and dynamic length scales in polymer solutions

Takashi Uematsu, Christer Svanberg, Per Jacobsson
Macromolecules. Vol. 38 (14), p. 6227-6230
Journal article

Exploring the antioxidant property of bioflavonoid quercetin in preventing DNA glycation: A calorimetric and spectroscopic study

Bidisa Sengupta, Takashi Uematsu, Per Jacobsson et al
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. Vol. 339 (1), p. 355-361
Journal article

Power Laws in the Dynamics of Polymer Solutions

Takashi Uematsu, Christer Svanberg, Magnus Nydén et al
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 708, p. 205-208
Paper in proceeding

Power Laws in Polymer Solution Dynamics

Takashi Uematsu, Christer Svanberg, Magnus Nydén et al
Physical Review E. Vol. 68 (5), p. 051803-
Journal article

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