Hampus Renberg Nilsson

Doctoral Student at Quantum Technology

Hampus studied engineering physics at Chalmers University of Technology and has a Master’s degree in Nanotechnology. His research is focused on parametric amplification and travelling-wave parametric amplifiers.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 6 publications


Peripheral circuits for ideal performance of a traveling-wave parametric amplifier

Hampus Renberg Nilsson, Daryoush Shiri, Robert Rehammar et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 21 (6)
Journal article

High-Gain Traveling-Wave Parametric Amplifier Based on Three-Wave Mixing

Hampus Renberg Nilsson, Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri et al
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 19 (4)
Journal article

Three-wave mixing traveling-wave parametric amplifier with periodic variation of the circuit parameters

Anita Fadavi Roudsari, Daryoush Shiri, Hampus Renberg Nilsson et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 122 (5)
Journal article

Three-wave mixing in Josephson travelling-wave parametric amplifiers

Hampus Renberg Nilsson
Licentiate thesis

Quantum efficiency, purity and stability of a tunable, narrowband microwave single-photon source

Yong Lu, Andreas Bengtsson, Jonathan Burnett et al
npj Quantum Information. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

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