Kjell Vowles

Showing 8 publications


Climate Obstruction in Sweden: The Green Welfare State— Both Progressive and Obstructionist

Kjell Vowles, Kristoffer Ekberg, Martin Hultman
Climate Obstruction Across Europe, p. 109-135
Book chapter

Talking heads and contrarian graphs: televising the Swedish far right ’s climate denialism

Kjell Vowles
Visualising far-right environments Communication and the politics of nature, p. 253-273
Book chapter

När svenska högerradikala medier blev en del av kontraklimatrörelsen

Kjell Vowles
Fronesis (76-77), p. 164-178
Magazine article

Climate delay discourses present in global mainstream television coverage of the IPCC’s 2021 report

James Painter, Joshua Ettinger, David Holmes et al
Communications Earth and Environment. Vol. 4 (1)
Journal article

Scare-quoting climate: The rapid rise of climate denial in the Swedish far-right media ecosystem

Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman
Nordic Journal of Media Studies. Vol. 3 (1), p. 79-95
Journal article

Dead White men vs. Greta Thunberg: Nationalism, Misogyny, and Climate Change Denial in Swedish far-right Digital Media

Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman
Australian Feminist Studies. Vol. 36 (110), p. 414-431
Journal article

Upphettning - Demokratin i klimatkrisens tid

Daniel Lindvall, Kjell Vowles, Martin Hultman

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