Anders Sandoff

Showing 8 publications


Innovationsplattformar för hållbara attraktiva städer

Anders Sandoff, Jessica Algehed, Filip Bladini et al

The entrepreneurial multi-party sustainability initiative of a chemical cluster - Barriers at the interface between subsidiaries and parent companies

Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Johanna Mossberg et al
EGOS, 7-9 July 2016, Naples
Other conference contribution

Bridging barriers for multi-party investments in energy efficiency – A real options based approach for common utility systems design and evaluation

Johanna Mossberg, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey et al
Eceee Industrial Summer Study Proceedings. Vol. 2
Paper in proceeding

Energy efficient transition in Sweden: triggers and barriers for retrofitting processes in municipality owned housing companies

David Langlet, Ylva Norén Bretzer, Anders Sandoff et al
ENHR Edinburgh July 1-4, 2014. Book of abstracts
Other conference contribution

Climate-friendly construction and capital constraints: A problem of asymmetric information?

Conny Overland, Anders Sandoff, Anders Hansson
2013 Nordic Environmental Social Sciences conference, Copenhagen, 11th-13th June
Other conference contribution

Feasibility of Electrifying Urban Goods Distribution Trucks

Sofia Löfstrand, Jonas Hellgren, Niklas Thulin et al
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles. Vol. 6 (1), p. 24-33
Journal article

From fossil to biogenic feedstock - Exploring Different Technology Pathways for a Swedish Chemical Cluster

Johanna Jönsson, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey et al
Proceedings of ECEEE industrial summer study
Paper in proceeding

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