Michael Asgaard Andersen

Showing 24 publications


Swedish Architecture in Nordic Contexts 1930-1950

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Konsthistorisk Tidskrift. Vol. 85 (1), p. 63-75
Review article

The movement of thought in Erskine's writings

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Architectural Research Quarterly. Vol. 18 (3), p. 245-255
Review article

Jørn Utzon: Drawings and Buildings

Michael Asgaard Andersen

Material Futures

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Oopeaa: Office for Peripheral Architecture, p. 10-11
Book chapter

Contemporary Nordic Architecture and Urban Design

Michael Asgaard Andersen
World in Denmark 2014, Nordic Encounters: Traveling Ideas of Open Space Design and Planning
Paper in proceeding


Michael Asgaard Andersen
Nordic Architects: Ebbs and Flows, p. 6-7
Book chapter

Swedish Architecture in Nordic Periodicals, 1930‐50

Michael Asgaard Andersen
The 3rd Symposium on Swedish Architectural History: Historiography
Paper in proceeding

Arkitektur giver form til vores tilværelse

Michael Asgaard Andersen, Jeanne Rank Schelde
New Nordic: Arkitektur & identitet, p. 32-53
Book chapter

In Conversation: Peter Zumthor and Juhani Pallasmaa

Michael Asgaard Andersen, Peter Zumthor, Juhani Pallasmaa
Architectural Design (6), p. 22-25
Magazine article

New Nordic Identities?

Michael Asgaard Andersen
ARK : Arkkitehti. Vol. 109 (5), p. 14-19
Magazine article

Architecture gives shape to our existence

Michael Asgaard Andersen, Jeanne Rank Schelde
New Nordic: Architecture & Identity, p. 32-53
Book chapter

Nordisk Arkitekturs DNA

Michael Asgaard Andersen, Juhani Pallasmaa
Louisiana Magasin (36), p. 16-18
Magazine article

New Nordic: Arkitektur & identitet

Kjeld Kjeldsen, Jeanne Rank Schelde, Michael Asgaard Andersen et al
Edited book

Facetteret mødested

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Arkitekturårbok 2012, p. 56-59
Book chapter

Under egne himmelstrøg

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Louisiana Magasin (36), p. 4-15
Magazine article

New Nordic: Architecture & Identity

Kjeld Kjeldsen, Jeanne Rank Schelde, Michael Asgaard Andersen et al
Edited book

Jørn Utzon's Kingo Houses in Elsinore

Michael Asgaard Andersen
NORDIC - Journal of Architecture. Vol. 2 (1), p. 12-13
Magazine article

Jørn Utzon: Arkitekturens tilblivelse og virke

Michael Asgaard Andersen

Reciprocities: Danish buildings in Schleswig-Holstein

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Architectural Research Quarterly. Vol. 14 (4), p. 327-339
Journal article

Paradoxes of Appearing: Essays on art, architecture and philosophy

Michael Asgaard Andersen, Henrik Oxvig

Nordic Architects Write: A documentary anthology

Michael Asgaard Andersen

Articulated Convergences: Places in Utzon’s museum for Jorn

Michael Asgaard Andersen
PTAH : a journal on research, conservation and related issues in architecture and the architectural heritage (1), p. 3-11
Journal article

Revisiting Utzon’s Bagsværd Church

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Nordisk arkitekturforskning (2), p. 95-102
Journal article

Embedded Emancipation: The field of Utzon’s platforms

Michael Asgaard Andersen
Fabrications. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand. Vol. 15 (1), p. 27-37
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice

Fredrik Nilsson Architecture
Frans Magnusson Architectural theory and methods
Malgorzata Zboinska Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Stig Anton Nielsen Architectural theory and methods
Atli Magnus Seelow Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Andrej Slavik Architectural theory and methods
Catharina Dyrssen Urban Design and Planning
Claes Caldenby Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Julia Fredriksson Urban Design and Planning
Lars Marcus Urban Design and Planning
Daniel Norell Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Johan Linton Education - Architectural Theory and Method
Liane Thuvander Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Paula Femenias Building Design
Beata Stahre Wästberg Interaction design
Michael Asgaard Andersen Architectural theory and methods
Monica Billger Architectural theory and methods
Michael U. Hensel Unknown organization
Nel Janssens Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Halina Dunin-Woyseth von Turow Architectural theory and methods
Karel Deckers Unknown organization
Johan Liekens Unknown organization
Anna Maria Orrù Urban Design and Planning
Karl-Gunnar Olsson Research - Architectural Theory and Method
Daniel Koch Building Design

23 publications exist
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