Michael Asgaard Andersen
Showing 24 publications
Swedish Architecture in Nordic Contexts 1930-1950
The movement of thought in Erskine's writings
Contemporary Nordic Architecture and Urban Design
Swedish Architecture in Nordic Periodicals, 1930‐50
Arkitektur giver form til vores tilværelse
In Conversation: Peter Zumthor and Juhani Pallasmaa
Architecture gives shape to our existence
New Nordic: Arkitektur & identitet
New Nordic: Architecture & Identity
Jørn Utzon's Kingo Houses in Elsinore
Reciprocities: Danish buildings in Schleswig-Holstein
Paradoxes of Appearing: Essays on art, architecture and philosophy
Articulated Convergences: Places in Utzon’s museum for Jorn
Revisiting Utzon’s Bagsværd Church
Embedded Emancipation: The field of Utzon’s platforms
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Showing 1 research projects
Architecture in the Making: Architecture as a Making Discipline and Material Practice