Hossein Abadikhah

Showing 14 publications


A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic micropolar circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 440, p. 70-82
Journal article

Dynamic equations for solid isotropic radially functionally graded circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Composite Structures. Vol. 195, p. 147-157
Journal article

A systematic approach to derive dynamic equations for homogeneous and functionally graded micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Procedia Engineering. Vol. 199, p. 1429-1434
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic equations for a functionally graded cylinder

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
19th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS19)...
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic higher order equations

Hossein Abadikhah
Doctoral thesis

A hierarchy of micropolar plate equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
29th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics
Paper in proceeding

A rational derivation of dynamic higher order equations for functionally graded micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Composite Structures. Vol. 153, p. 234-241
Journal article

Dynamic equations for a micropolar cylinder

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams (SPB2015), Bologna, ITALY, p. 37-38
Paper in proceeding

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for micropolar plates

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Journal of Sound and Vibration. Vol. 357, p. 427-436
Journal article

Dynamic higher order equations for structural elements

Hossein Abadikhah
Licentiate thesis

Dynamic Higher Order Functionally Graded Micropolar Plate Equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Civil-Comp Proceedings. Vol. 106
Journal article

A hierarchy of dynamic equations for solid isotropic circular cylinders

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Wave Motion. Vol. 51 (2), p. 206-221
Journal article

Dynamic higher order micropolar plate equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013)”, Lisbon, Portugal, 9-12 September, 2013, p. p.133-
Paper in proceeding

Higher order beam equations

Hossein Abadikhah, Peter Folkow
Civil-Comp Proceedings. Vol. 99
Journal article

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