Çaglar Tozluoglu

Doctoral Student at Physical Resource Theory

Çağlar Tozluoğlu's research interest lies in the intersection between transportation planning, simulations, big data analytics, and policy, especially in the context of multi-modal metropolitan transport systems. Before coming to Gothenburg, he gained a lot of experience in the private sector and governmental agencies to provide a significant solution for urban challenges. With this perspective, he continues his studies at the Chalmers University of Technology.
Tozluoglu takes part in a research project named The new future of mobility: Using a Synthetic Sweden to study transition pathways to autonomous, shared, and electromobility.

Source: chalmers.se
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Showing 5 publications


Potential of e-bikes to replace passenger car trips and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Çaglar Tozluoglu, Yuan Liao, Frances Sprei
Journal of Cycling and Micromobility Research. Vol. 2
Journal article

A synthetic population of Sweden: datasets of agents, households, and activity-travel patterns

Çaglar Tozluoglu, Swapnil Vilas Dhamal, Sonia Yeh et al
Data in Brief. Vol. 48
Journal article

Impacts of charging behavior on BEV charging infrastructure needs and energy use

Yuan Liao, Çaglar Tozluoglu, Frances Sprei et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 116
Journal article

Synthetic Sweden Mobility (SySMo) Model Documentation

Çaglar Tozluoglu, Swapnil Vilas Dhamal, Yuan Liao et al

Agent-based Transport Models as a Tool for Evaluating Mobility

Çaglar Tozluoglu
Licentiate thesis

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