Ardalan Javadi
Showing 19 publications
Active flow control of the vortex rope and pressure pulsations in a swirl generator
Swirling flow in a conical diffuser generated with rotor-stator interaction
LES and DES of Strongly Swirling Turbulent Flow through a Suddenly Expanding Circular Pipe
Active Flow Control of Vortex Rope in a Conical Diffuser
Time-accurate Numerical Simulations of Swirling Flow with Rotor-stator Interaction
LES and DES of swirling flow with rotor-stator interaction
Exploration of rotation/curvature correction method in hydropower application
Velocity and pressure fluctuations induced by the precessing helical vortex in a conical diffuser
Unsteady numerical simulation of the flow in the U9 Kaplan turbine model
Time-accurate Turbulence Modeling of Swirling Flow for Hydropower Application
Advanced numerical prediction of strongly swirling turbulent flows
Numerical Predictions of Slot Synthetic Jets in Quiescent Surroundings,
Turbulence modelling of an unsteady periodic zero-net-mass flux jet
Simulation of an Unsteady Synthetic Jet in Quiescent Surroundings
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Showing 1 research projects
Unsteady incompressible flow in rotating machinery