Ardalan Javadi

Showing 19 publications


Active flow control of the vortex rope and pressure pulsations in a swirl generator

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. Vol. 11 (1), p. 30-41
Journal article

Detailed numerical investigation of a Kaplan turbine with rotor-stator interaction using turbulence-resolving simulations

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol. 63, p. 1-13
Journal article

Turbulence-resolving Simulations of Swirling Flows

Ardalan Javadi
Doctoral thesis

Swirling flow in a conical diffuser generated with rotor-stator interaction

Ardalan Javadi, A Bosioc, Håkan Nilsson et al
Magazine article

Experimental and numerical investigation of the precessing helical vortex in a conical diffuser, with rotor-stator interaction

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson, Sebastian Muntean et al
Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the ASME. Vol. 138 (8), p. Art. no. 081106-
Journal article

LES and DES of Strongly Swirling Turbulent Flow through a Suddenly Expanding Circular Pipe

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
Computers and Fluids. Vol. 107, p. 301-313
Journal article

Active Flow Control of Vortex Rope in a Conical Diffuser

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
IAHR WG Meeting on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery and Systems, Ljubljana 2015
Paper in proceeding

Time-accurate Numerical Simulations of Swirling Flow with Rotor-stator Interaction

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. Vol. 95 (4), p. 755-774
Journal article

LES and DES of swirling flow with rotor-stator interaction

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design. Vol. 130, p. 457-468
Journal article

Exploration of rotation/curvature correction method in hydropower application

Ardalan Javadi, Erik Krane, Håkan Nilsson
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 0
Paper in proceeding

Velocity and pressure fluctuations induced by the precessing helical vortex in a conical diffuser

Ardalan Javadi, A Bosioc, Håkan Nilsson et al
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 22, p. Art. no. 032009-
Paper in proceeding

A comparative study of scale-adaptive and large-eddy simulations of highly swirling turbulent flow through an abrupt expansion

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 22
Paper in proceeding

Unsteady numerical simulation of the flow in the U9 Kaplan turbine model

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 22, p. Art. no. 022001-
Paper in proceeding

Advanced numerical prediction of strongly swirling turbulent flows

Ardalan Javadi, Håkan Nilsson
5th International Workshop on Cavitation and Dynamic Problems in Hydraulic Machinery. Vol. 23
Other conference contribution

Numerical Predictions of Slot Synthetic Jets in Quiescent Surroundings,

Ardalan Javadi
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Vol. 13 (2), p. 65 - 83
Journal article

Numerical prediction of turbulent flow structure generated by a synthetic cross-jet into a turbulent boundary layer,

Ardalan Javadi, Wageeh El-Askary
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids. Vol. 69 (7), p. 1219-1236
Journal article

Turbulence modelling of an unsteady periodic zero-net-mass flux jet

Ardalan Javadi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
Journal article

Simulation of an Unsteady Synthetic Jet in Quiescent Surroundings

Ardalan Javadi
21th International Symposium of Transport Phenomena
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Unsteady incompressible flow in rotating machinery

Håkan Nilsson Fluid Dynamics
Ardalan Javadi Fluid Dynamics

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