Astrid Algaba Brazalez

Showing 21 publications


High-performance UWB mmWave smart bowtie array antenna technology for 5G access and backhauling systems

Jian Yang, Sadegh Mansouri Moghaddam, Tianling Zhang et al
2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2020, p. 243-244
Paper in proceeding

A Compact Mass-producible E-band Bandpass Filter Based on Multi-layer Waveguide Technology

Abbas Vosoogh, Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Yinggang Li et al
14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020
Paper in proceeding

Design of F-Band Transition From Microstrip to Ridge Gap Waveguide Including Monte Carlo Assembly Tolerance Analysis

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Jonas Flygare, Jian Yang et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 64 (4), p. 1245-1254
Journal article

A V-Band Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide End-Coupled Bandpass Filter

Abbas Vosoogh, Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Per-Simon Kildal
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Vol. 26 (4), p. 261-263
Journal article

Design of a Butler Matrix at 60GHz in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Technology

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Eva Rajo
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest). Vol. 2015-October, p. 2125-2126
Paper in proceeding

Design of Millimeter-Wave Wideband Gap Waveguide Transitions Considering Integration into the Antenna System

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Eva Rajo, Per-Simon Kildal
9th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, 13-17 May 2015
Paper in proceeding

Design and Validation of Microstrip Gap Waveguides and Their Transitions to Rectangular Waveguide, for Millimeter-Wave Applications

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Eva Rajo, J.-L. Vazquez-Roy et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 63 (12), p. 4035-4050
Journal article

Design of a transition from WR-15 to microstrip packaged by gap waveguide technology

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Eva Rajo, Per-Simon Kildal
ISAP 2014 - 2014 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Conference Proceedings, Taiwan, 2-5 December 2014, p. 235-236
Paper in proceeding

Gap Waveguide Technology- Electromagnetic Packaging and Transitions

Astrid Algaba Brazalez
Doctoral thesis

Investigation of Transitions for Use in Inverted Microstrip Gap Waveguide Antenna Arrays

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Eva Rajo, Per-Simon Kildal
8th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2014, The Hague, The Netherlands 6-11 April 2014, p. 995 - 999
Paper in proceeding

Micromachined gap waveguide devices for above 100 GHz

Sofia Rahiminejad, Elena Pucci, Ashraf Uz Zaman et al
Swedish Microwave Days March 11-12, 2014
Paper in proceeding


Sofia Rahiminejad, Elena Pucci, Ashraf Uz Zaman et al
Paper in proceeding

100 GHz SOI Gap Waveguides

Sofia Rahiminejad, Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Syed Hasan Raza Zaidi et al
The 17th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems, p. 510-513
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of losses of the ridge gap waveguide at 100 GHz

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Elena Pucci, Sofia Rahiminejad et al
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), p. 1456-1457
Paper in proceeding

Investigation of a Microstrip-to-Ridge Gap Waveguide transition by electromagnetic coupling

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Per-Simon Kildal
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, AP-S International Symposium (Digest), p. 1-2
Paper in proceeding

Design of a coplanar waveguide-to-ridge gap waveguide transition via capacitive coupling

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Per-Simon Kildal
Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2012. Prague, 26-30 March 2012, p. 3524-3528
Paper in proceeding

Improved Microstrip Filters Using PMC Packaging by Lid of Nails

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Per-Simon Kildal
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 2 (7), p. 1075-1084
Journal article

Improving microstrip filters with gap waveguide packaging

Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Elena Pucci et al
Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2011. Rome, 11-15 April 2011, p. 1080-1084
Paper in proceeding

Design of Band-Pass Filter Using Gap Waveguide Technology

Ashraf Uz Zaman, Astrid Algaba Brazalez, Per-Simon Kildal
Millimetre Wave Days, 23-25 May 2011, Espoo Finland (6th ESA Workshop on Millimetre-Wave Technology and Applications and 4th Global Symposium on Millimeter Waves)
Paper in proceeding

Progress report on developing metamaterial EBG-based gap waveguide components and packaging solutions between 1 GHz and several 100 Ghz

Per-Simon Kildal, Ashraf Uz Zaman, Eva Rajo et al
URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Spokane, USA, 3-8 July, 2011
Paper in proceeding

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