Andreas Alhede
Andreas is a PhD student at the Division of Structural Engineering, research group Concrete Structures. His PhD project focuses on the assessment of the load-bearing capacity of corroded reinforced concrete structures. Andreas combines nonlinear finite element analyses with experiments, where naturally and artificially corroded specimens are studied with X-ray and neutron tomography. By combining modeling with experiments, Andreas aims to increase the understanding of how different phenomena affect the corrosion process and how parameters can be determined and quantified.

Showing 5 publications
Monitoring corrosion-induced concrete cracking adjacent to the steel-concrete interface
Novel approaches for monitoring effects of steel corrosion in reinforced concrete
A two-stage study of steel corrosion and internal cracking revealed by multimodal tomography
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Showing 4 research projects
Splitting cracks as performance indicator for existing structures, part 2
Structural safety of corroded reinforced concrete structures from visual inspection
Splitting cracks as performance indicator for existing structures
Corrosion cracking: Image-based methods combined with modelling