Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi

Showing 5 publications


5G physical layer: Principles, models and technology components

Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi, F. Athley, Jonas Medbo et al

Back Pressure Traffic Signal Control with Fixed and Adaptive Routing for Urban Vehicular Network

Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi, Balázs Adam Kulcsár, Henk Wymeersch
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol. 17 (8), p. 2134-2143
Journal article

Traffic-adaptive Signal Control and Vehicle Routing Using a Decentralized Back-pressure Method

Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi, Balázs Adam Kulcsár, Henk Wymeersch
In proceedings of European Control Conference, ECC’15, July 15-17, Linz, Austria, p. 3029-3034
Paper in proceeding

Stabilization of noisy plants over a Gaussian interference channel

Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi, T.J. Oechtering, Mikael Skoglund
2014 Iran Workshop on Communication and Information Theory, IWCIT 2014; Tehran; Iran; 7 May 2014 through 8 May 2014
Paper in proceeding

Multi-Step Sensor Selection with Position Uncertainty Constraints

Markus Fröhle, Ali Abbas Syed Zaidi, Erik Ström et al
IEEE Globecom 2014 Workshop - Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles, p. 1439-1444
Paper in proceeding

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