Anna Lif

Showing 11 publications


Combustion of Emulsion Fuels Based on Fischer-Tropsch Diesel.

Anna Lif, Krister Holmberg
Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium Fuels - Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles, 19-20 January, 2011, Esslingen, Germany.
Paper in proceeding

Combustion of emulsion fuels based on Fischer-Tropsch diesel

Anna Lif, Krister Holmberg
Proceedings of the 8th International Colloquium Fuels - Conventional and Future Energy for Automobiles, Esslingen, Germany, 19-20 January, 2011
Paper in proceeding

Fuel emulsions and microemulsions based on Fischer-Tropsch diesel

Anna Lif, Malena Stark, Magnus Nydén et al
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. Vol. 354 (1-3), p. 91-98
Journal article

Fischer-Tropsch diesel emulsions stabilised by microfibrillated cellulose and nonionic surfactants

Anna Lif, P Stenstad, K Syverud et al
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. Vol. 352 (2), p. 585-592
Journal article

Optical studies of spray development and combustion of water-in-diesel emulsion and microemulsion fuels

Anna Lif, Raul Lima Ochoterena, Magnus Nydén et al
Fuel. Vol. 89 (1), p. 122-132
Journal article

Water-in-diesel microemulsions studied by NMR diffusometry

Anna Lif, Magnus Nydén, Krister Holmberg
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. Vol. 30, p. 881-891
Journal article

Reduction of soot emissions when combusting water-in-diesel emulsion and microemulsion fuel in a direct injection diesel engine

Anna Lif, Magnus Skoglundh, Ingemar Denbratt et al
Society of Automotive Engineers World Congress, Detroit, MI, USA, April 16-19, 2007
Paper in proceeding

Reduction of soot emissions when combusting water-in-diesel emulsion and microemulsion fuel in a direct injection diesel engine

Anna Lif, Magnus Skoglundh, Savo Gjirja et al
SAE Technical Paper (2007-01-1076)
Journal article

Water-in-diesel emulsions and related systems

Anna Lif, Krister Holmberg
Adv Colloid Interface Sci. Vol. 123-126, p. 231-239
Journal article

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