Amparo Jimenez Quero
Amparo Jiménez Quero earned her PhD in Biotechnology from the University of Strasbourg, France, with a focus on the valorization of cereal by-products for the development of novel bio-based plastics. Following her doctoral studies, she continued her academic journey at the Royal Technical University (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. During her postdoctoral and research tenure at KTH, she cultivated a profound expertise in biomass characterization and processes aimed at the conversion of biomass into chemicals, materials, and food additives. Her current research is centered on several key areas: Implementing a green chemistry approach to design bioprocesses Advancing biocatalysis through the identification, production, and utilization of specific enzymes or microorganisms Conducting in-depth characterization of biomass from various sources such as plants, algae, fungi, and bacterial cell walls Exploring biopolymers and composites and analyzing their structure-properties relationships Sustainability and education serve as fundamental pillars in her career, with a commitment to transferring knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes that foster a more sustainable society. At Chalmers, she will concentrate on teaching sustainable methodologies for biobased material production while mentoring bachelor, master, and PhD students. Furthermore, she has forged valuable scientific and technological networks through collaborations in diverse national and international projects involving industrial and academic partners. Presently, she serves as the coordinator of the EU project CIRCALGAE, which focuses on the circular valorization of algae biomass in collaboration with 22 partners across Europe.

Showing 6 publications
Keratinous and corneous-based products towards circular bioeconomy: A research review
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Showing 8 research projects
Sustainable climate-Friendly quality fOOD Ingredients from Marine side-stReams
Using FUNgal cell wall compounds TO FIGHT infectious fungi (FUN2FIGHT)
MYCOSITE MYCelium based compOSITE, towards a truly sustainable biomaterial
MYcelium based COMposite and mycozYMes production for upgraded lignocellulose material (MYCOMYM)
Systemic Innovations for a SusTainable reduction of the EuRopean food waStage (SISTERS)