Maria Saline

Project Leader at Legal and Development Support

Maria has a PhD in biochemistry/biophysics and experience from research abroad as well as in the pharmaceutical industry and a small biotech company.​

Image of Maria Saline

Showing 1 publications


A large ‘discovery’ experiment: Gender Initiative for Excellence (Genie) at Chalmers University of Technology

Maria Saline, Mary Sheeran, Pernilla Wittung Stafshede
QRB Discovery. Vol. 2
Review article

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Showing 1 research projects


Gender Initiative for Excellence (Genie)

Pernilla Wittung Stafshede Chemical Biology
Mary Sheeran Functional Programming
Anders Karlström Electrical Engineering
Thomas Nilsson Physics
Maria Saline Lednings- och utvecklingsstöd
Anna Grzelec Science, Technology and Society
The Chalmers University Foundation

13 publications exist
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