Jenny Angseryd

Showing 10 publications


Nanostructure of a cubic BN cutting tool material

Jenny Angseryd, Fang Liu, Hans-Olof Andrén
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 49 (1), p. 283-287
Journal article

An in-depth investigation of the cutting speed impact on the degraded microstructure of worn PCBN cutting tools

Jenny Angseryd, Hans-Olof Andrén
Wear. Vol. 271 (9-10), p. 2610-2618
Journal article

Quantitative APT analysis of Ti(C,N)

Jenny Angseryd, Fang Liu, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 609-614
Journal article

A quantitative analysis of a multi-phase polycrystalline cubic boron nitride tool material using DualEELS

Jenny Angseryd, Michaela Albu, Hans-Olof Andrén et al
Micron. Vol. 42 (6), p. 608-615
Journal article

Quantitative atom probe analysis of carbides

Mattias Thuvander, Jonathan Weidow, Jenny Angseryd et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 111 (6), p. 604-608
Journal article

Effect of workpiece sulphur content on the degradation of a PCBN tool material

Jenny Angseryd, Eva Olsson, Hans-Olof Andrén
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 29, p. 647-680
Journal article

Detailed microstructure of a cBN based cutting tool material

Jenny Angseryd, Mattias Elfwing, Eva Olsson et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. Vol. 27 (2), p. 249-255
Journal article

The microstructure of the affected zone of a worn PCBN cutting tool characterised with SEM and TEM

Jenny Angseryd, Ernesto Coronel, Mattias Elfwing et al
Wear. Vol. 267, p. 1031-1040
Journal article

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