Anna Clemens

Showing 12 publications


Characterization of copper species in solid-state ion-exchanged Cu-SSZ-13 for NH3-SCR

Anna Clemens, Alexander Shishkin, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
Other conference contribution

Functionalization of SSZ-13 and Fe-Beta with copper by NH3 and NO facilitated solid-state ion-exchange

Alexander Shishkin, Soran Shwan, Torben Pingel et al
Catalysts. Vol. 7 (8), p. 1-10
Journal article

Characterization of copper species in solid-state ion-exchanged Cu-CHA for NH3-SCR

Anna Clemens, Alexander Shishkin, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
Other conference contribution

Reaction-driven Ion Exchange of Copper into Zeolite SSZ-13

Anna Clemens, Alexander Shishkin, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
ACS Catalysis. Vol. 5 (10), p. 6209-6218
Journal article

Insights into the active centres of solid-state ion-exchanges Cu-SSZ-13

Anna Clemens, Alexander Shishkin, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
Other conference contribution

Activity and characterisation of solid-state ion exchanged Cu-SSZ-13 for NH3-SCR

Anna Clemens, Alexander Shishkin, Per-Anders Carlsson et al
Other conference contribution

Water desorption from nanostructured graphite surfaces

Anna Clemens, Lars Hellberg, Henrik Grönbeck et al
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 15 (47), p. 20456-20462
Journal article

Optically tracking the thermal desorption of water from nanostructured graphite covered with thin ice films

Anna Clemens, Fernando Gonzalez-Posada, Lars Hellberg et al
Magazine article

Photo- and thermal desorption of water from ice covered carbon nanostructures

Anna Clemens, Lars Hellberg, Henrik Grönbeck et al
Young Astronomer's Meeting, Paris Observatory, France; November 15, 2011
Conference poster

Lyotropic lipid phases confined in cylindrical pores: Structure and permeability

P. Falkman, C. Åberg, Anna Clemens et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 115 (49), p. 14450-14461
Journal article

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