Ann Lillieström

Showing 9 publications


Local forecasts of electrc vehicles for grid planning purposes

Elias Hartvigsson, Ann Lillieström, David Steen et al
IET Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2022 (3), p. 878-882
Journal article

Data-driven models for predicting microbial water quality in the drinking water source using E. coli monitoring and hydrometeorological data

Ekaterina Sokolova, Oscar Ivarsson, Ann Lillieström et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 802
Journal article

Handling Transitive Relations in First-Order Automated Reasoning

Koen Claessen, Ann Lillieström
Journal of Automated Reasoning. Vol. 65 (8), p. 1097-1124
Journal article

Extending the Automated Reasoning Toolbox

Ann Lillieström
Doctoral thesis

Inferring Morphological Rules from Small Examples using 0/1 Linear Programming

Ann Lillieström, Koen Claessen, Nicholas Smallbone
22nd Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa), p. 164-174
Paper in proceeding

Handling common transitive relations in first-order automated reasoning

Koen Lindström Claessen, Ann Lillieström
CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 1635, p. 11-23
Paper in proceeding

Extending the Automated Reasoning Toolbox

Ann Lillieström
Licentiate thesis

Sort it out with monotonicity: translating between many-sorted and unsorted first-order logic

Koen Lindström Claessen, Ann Lillieström, Nicholas Smallbone
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). Vol. 6803 LNAI, p. 207-221
Paper in proceeding

Automated Inference of Finite Unsatisfiability

Koen Lindström Claessen, Ann Lillieström
Journal of Automated Reasoning. Vol. 47 (2), p. 111-132
Journal article

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