Ann Mattsson

Adjunct Professor at Water Environment Technology image

Showing 13 publications


Weighted score ratios (WRS) give transparent weighting in multicriteria sustainability assessments - A case study on removal of pharmaceutical residues from wastewater

Maria Neth, Ann Mattsson, Britt-Marie Wilen et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 893
Journal article

A collaborative planning process to develop future scenarios for wastewater systems

Maria Neth, Ann Mattsson, D. I'Ons et al
Journal of Environmental Management. Vol. 316
Journal article

Removal of organic micropollutants in the biological units of a Swedish wastewater treatment plant

Cecilia Burzio, Nivert Emma, Ann Mattsson et al
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 1209
Paper in proceeding

EVAS - a practical tool to assess the sustainability of small wastewater treatment systems in low and lower-middle-income countries

Claudia Cossio Grageda, Jennifer R Mc Conville, Ann Mattsson et al
Science of the Total Environment. Vol. 746
Journal article

Variations among Viruses in Influent Water and Effluent Water at a Wastewater Plant over One Year as Assessed by Quantitative PCR and Metagenomics

Hao Wang, Julianna Neyvaldt, Lucica Enache et al
Applied and Environmental Microbiology. Vol. 86 (24), p. 1-14
Journal article

Heavy metal content of Swedish municipal wastewater sludge - status and goals

Ann Mattsson, A. Finnson, D. I'Ons
Water Science and Technology. Vol. 76 (4), p. 869-876
Journal article

Hydraulic loadings of large Swedish WWTPs - key performance indicators and consequences

Ann Mattsson, Britt-Marie Wilen, Michael Cimbritz et al
12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of large Wastewater Treatment Plants, Sept 6-9, Prague, p. 269-271
Paper in proceeding

Large scale tertiary filtration - results and experiences from the discfilter plant at the Rya WWTP in Sweden

Britt-Marie Wilen, Michael Cimbritz, Thomas Pettersson et al
Oroceedings of 12th IWA Specialised Conference on Design, Operation and Economics of Large WAstewater Treatment PLants, p. 73-79
Paper in proceeding

Back to basics: high-loaded activated sludge

Oskar Modin, David J. I. Gustavsson, Susanne Tumlin et al
Activated sludge - 100 years and counting
Paper in proceeding

Assessment of sludge particle removal from wastewater by disc filtration

Britt-Marie Wilen, Ann Johansen, Ann Mattsson
Water Practice and Technology. Vol. 7 (2)
Journal article

Relationship between floc composition and flocculation and settling properties studied at a full scale activated sludge plant

Britt-Marie Wilen, Dough Lumley, Ann Mattsson et al
Water Research. Vol. 42 (16), p. 4404-4418
Journal article

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