Kristine Bakken
Kristine Bakken is a researcher in the field of material science and inorganic chemistry, with a specialization in ceramics and functional materials and in situ characterization techniques, particularly lead-free perovskite thin films for energy storage applications and hard protective coatings. She is currently a PostDoc focusing on in situ synchrotron and neutron diffraction studies of ceramics and coatings. Particularly interested in the development of data processing routines and procedures for analysis of the synchrotron data using Jupyter Notebooks and Python packages. Involved in two Vinnova-founded projects on AlTiN CVD coatings and MoSi2-based heating elements with industry partners. Previously, she did a PostDoc at the Materials Center Leoben (MCL) in Austria, focused on synthesis and optimization of BaTiO3-based relaxor thin films for energy storage. Kristine obtained her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2020, titled: “In situ Characterization of Ferroelectric Oxide Thin Films during Aqueous Chemical Solution Deposition”.
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