Kristine Bakken

Postdoc at Microstructure Physics

Image of Kristine Bakken

Showing 2 publications


Effect of post-annealing on the thermal stability and residual stresses in CVD (Al,Ti)N coatings investigated by in situ synchrotron diffraction

Kristine Bakken, Olof Bäcke, Samik Roy Moulik et al
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 124
Review article

In situ characterisation for studying nucleation and growth of nanostructured materials and thin films during liquid-based synthesis

Kristine Bakken, Ola Gjønnes Grendal, Mari Ann Einarsrud
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Vol. 105 (2), p. 596-605
Journal article

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