Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel

Postdoc at Software Engineering 2 image

Showing 4 publications


Automating Requirements Review in the Automotive Sector: A Tailored AI Approach

Sivajeet Chand, Chang Li, Cristina Martinez Montes et al
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, p. 492-493
Paper in proceeding

Engineering Safety Requirements for Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models

Ali Nouri, Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Fredrik Torner et al
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Requirements Engineering, p. 218-228
Paper in proceeding

How Can Generative AI Enhance Software Management? Is It Better Done than Perfect?

Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Yasamin Fazelidehkordi, Ali Nouri
Generative AI for Effective Software Development
Book chapter

Digital Twins for Early Verification and Validation of Autonomous Driving Features: Open-source Tools and Standard Formats

Beatriz Cabrero-Daniel, Ahmed Yasser Abdelkarim, Axel Broberg
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Proceedings, p. 2477-2482
Paper in proceeding

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