Bertil Thomas
Bertil Thomas' main teaching subjects are control engineering, modeling and neural networks. In addition he teaches in leadership and personal development). Bertil's main research interests are applied neuroscience (incl. neural networks and personal development).

Showing 35 publications
Högskolestudenters framsteg som del av en kurs i Personlig Utveckling
Personlig utveckling på Chalmers, Campus Lindholmen
Artificiella neurala nätverk och kognition
Estimation of operative temperature in buildings using artificial neural networks
Energianvändning, innemiljö och beteendevetenskap - Fas II: Behov och behovsstyrning
Feed-forward in temperature control of buildings
Att räkna människor och glödlampor ger förutsägelser av husets värmebehov
Reglerteknikens möjligheter i framtidens intelligenta hus - Integrerad intelligent behovsstyrning
Neural Networks for Self Tuning of PI- and PID-Controllers
Neural Network Models for Predictive Climate Control in Intelligent Buildings
Neural networks for self tuning of PI- and PID controlers
A Study of Static and Dynamic Feed Forward in Temperature Control of Buildings
Neural Networks for estimation of frequency domain data from time domain data
A Study of Demand.Control Ventilation (DCV) and Constant Air Volume Systems /CAV)
Neural Networks - three applications in control engineering and engine control
Neural Networks for estimation of frequency-domain data from time-domain data
Intelligent thermostats save energy and give improved control performances.
Reglerteknikens möjligheter i framtidens intelligenta hus - En förstudie
A Simulink Model Environment for evaluation of Control-Strategies in Intelligent Buildings
A Simulink Model Environment for evaluation of Control-Strategies in Intelligent Buildings
Reglerteknikens möjligheter i framtidens intelligenta hus - Integrerad intelligent behovsstyrning
Reglerteknikens möjligheter i framtidens intelligents hus - En förstudie
A New PID Parameter Tuning Method for Industrial Applications
Identification, decoupling and PID-control of industrial processes
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