Bingbing Shi

Showing 20 publications


Performance of Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration - Part 2 System optimization and energy saving

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration for Collection of Submicron and Ultrafine Particles—Evaluation of Long-Term Performance and Influencing Factors

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Environmental Science & Technology. Vol. 49 (11), p. 6891-6898
Journal article

Ventilationsfilter och ultrafina partiklar

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Energi och Miljö (Nr. 4, 2013.), p. ss. 56-58
Magazine article

Intermediate air filters for general ventilation applications: An experimental evaluation of various filtration efficiency expressions

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer
Aerosol Science and Technology. Vol. 47 (5), p. 488-498
Journal article

Field Evaluation of Ionizer-Assisted Air Filtration

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2013 Conference
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Filter Fiber Material on Removal of Ultrafine and Submicron Particles Using Carbon Fiber Ionizer-Assisted Intermediate Air Filters

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Anders Trüschel et al
ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 118 (PART 1), p. 602-611
Paper in proceeding

Removal of ultrafine particles and particles of the most penetrating size by new intermediate class filters

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Sarka Langer
Proceedings of the Indoor Air 2011 Conference, Austin, TX, USA, 6 pages
Paper in proceeding

Air Cleaning by Photo Catalytic Oxidation: An Experimental Performance Test

Ragib Kadribegovic, Lars Ekberg, A. Gilligan et al
ASHRAE Transactions. Vol. 117 (1), p. 426-433
Journal article

Performance of Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration - Evaluation of long-term performance and influencing factors

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Report - Energimyndighetens beställargrupp lokaler, BELOK

Kan ventilationsfilter fånga ultrafina partiklar inomhus

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
Husbyggaren - SBR - Svenska Byggingenjörers Riksförbund. Vol. 1 (2011), p. 24-25
Magazine article

The effectiveness of portable air cleaners against tobacco smoke in multizone residential environments

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Alireza Afshari et al
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2010 Conference: 10th REHVA World Congress 'Sustainable Energy use in Buildings', 8 pages
Other conference contribution

Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
SWESIAQ conference Nordic Indoor Air Update, Stockholm,2010
Other conference contribution

Naborøg og overførsel af partielforurening

Alireza Afshari, N.C. Bergsøe, Bingbing Shi et al
HVAC - Magasin for klima- og energiteknik, miljø, bygningsinstalltioner & -Netværk. Vol. 1 (2010), p. 24-30
Magazine article

Quantification of ultrafine particles from second-hand tobacco smoke infiltration

Alireza Afshari, Bingbing Shi, Niels Bergsøe et al
Proceedings of the CLIMA 2010 Conference: 10th REHVA World Congress 'Sustainable Energy use in Buildings', 8 pages
Other conference contribution

Source Apportionment and Chemical composition of particulate matter (PM10) in university classrooms

Qihong Deng, Bingbing Shi
Zhongnan Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology). Vol. 40 (2), p. 332-328
Journal article

Cleaning of ultrafine particles from printer by HEPA filter and portable air cleaner in clean room

Bingbing Shi
Proceedings of Euroacademy on ventilation and indoor climate, course 6, Pamporovo, Bulgaria
Other conference contribution

Ultrafine particle pollution measurements in residential buildings

Bingbing Shi
Proceedings of Euroacademy on ventilation and indoor climate, course 7, Pamporovo, Bulgaria
Other conference contribution

Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters

Lars Ekberg, Bingbing Shi
9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009; Syracuse, NY; United States; 13 September 2009 through 17 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

Ultrafine particles control strategy in printer rooms: model and experiment study on portable air cleaner and HVAC combination

Bingbing Shi, Lars Ekberg, Per Fahlén
9th International Healthy Buildings Conference and Exhibition, HB 2009; Syracuse, NY; United States; 13 September 2009 through 17 September 2009
Paper in proceeding

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