Bingbing Shi
Showing 20 publications
Performance of Ionizer Assisted Air Filtration - Part 2 System optimization and energy saving
Ventilationsfilter och ultrafina partiklar
Field Evaluation of Ionizer-Assisted Air Filtration
Air Cleaning by Photo Catalytic Oxidation: An Experimental Performance Test
Kan ventilationsfilter fånga ultrafina partiklar inomhus
Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters
Naborøg og overførsel af partielforurening
Quantification of ultrafine particles from second-hand tobacco smoke infiltration
Source Apportionment and Chemical composition of particulate matter (PM10) in university classrooms
Cleaning of ultrafine particles from printer by HEPA filter and portable air cleaner in clean room
Ultrafine particle pollution measurements in residential buildings
Removal of ultrafine particles by ventilation air filters
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