Mattias Bokinge

Showing 8 publications


Mastering Industry’s Skill Gap - Matching Employee Needs with New Learning Challenges

Greta Braun, Mattias Bokinge, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, p. 668-672
Paper in proceeding

Ingenjör4.0 – A National Upskilling Programme to Bridge Industry’s Skill Gap

Greta Braun, Johan Stahre, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 120, p. 1286-1291
Paper in proceeding

PLM as Support for Global Design Reuse - Long Term Benefits and Immediate Drawbacks

Christoffer E Levandowski, Mattias Bokinge, Johan Malmqvist et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 388 AICT
Paper in proceeding

A Method to Identify Risks Associated with a PLM Solution

Mattias Bokinge, Christoffer E Levandowski, Johan Malmqvist et al
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. Vol. 388 AICT
Paper in proceeding

PLM implementation guidelines – relevance and application in practice: a discussion of findings from a retrospective case study

Mattias Bokinge, Johan Malmqvist
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management. Vol. 6 (1), p. 79-98
Journal article

PLM and International Product Development

Mattias Bokinge, Christoffer E Levandowski, Anna Tidstam
Entering the Tiger's Cave - Perspectives on Japanese and Swedish Product Development. Dag Bergsjö (Ed.), p. 13-18
Book chapter

Challenging Requirements Management Issues in PLM Implementation - Findings from a Retrospective Case Study

Mattias Bokinge, Johan Malmqvist
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management - PLM11, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

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