Valentina Bonanni

Showing 8 publications


Polarizability and magnetoplasmonic properties of magnetic general nanoellipsoids

N. Maccaferri, J. B. Gonzalez-Diaz, Stefano Bonetti et al
Optics Express. Vol. 21 (8), p. 9875-9889
Journal article

Sub-10 nm resolution after lift-off using HSQ./PMMA double layer resist

Marcus Rommel, Bengt Nilsson, Piotr Jedrasik et al
Microelectronic Engineering. Vol. 110, p. 123-125
Journal article

Designer Magnetoplasmonics with Nickel Nanoferromagnets

Valentina Bonanni, Stefano Bonetti, Tavakol Pakizeh et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 11 (12), p. 5333-5338
Journal article

Graded Anisotropy FePtCu Films

Randy K. Dumas, Chaolin Zha, Yeyu Fang et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 47 (6), p. 1580-
Journal article

Probing vertically graded anisotropy in FePtCu films

Randy K. Dumas, Yeyu Fang, B. J. Kirby et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 84, p. 054434-
Journal article

Plasmonic Nickel Nanoantennas

Jianing Chen, Pablo Albella, Zhaleh Pirzadeh Irannezhad et al
Small. Vol. 7 (16), p. 2341-2347
Journal article

First-order reversal curve analysis of graded anisotropy FePtCu films

Valentina Bonanni, Y. Fang, Randy K. Dumas et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 97 (20)
Journal article

Continuously graded anisotropy in single (Fe53Pt47)100-xCux films

C. L. Zha, Randy K. Dumas, Yeyu Fang et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 97 (18), p. 182504 (3 pages)-
Journal article

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