Erik Broman
Showing 23 publications
Cover Times of the Massive Random Walk Loop Soup
Higher-Dimensional Stick Percolation
The fractal cylinder process: Existence and connectivity phase transitions
The existence phase transition for scale invariant Poisson random fractal models
Random cover times using the Poisson cylinder process
The existence phase transition for two Poisson random fractal models
Phase Transition and Uniqueness of Levelset Percolation
Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space
Poisson cylinders in hyperbolic space
Noise sensitivity in continuum percolation
Exclusion sensitivity of Boolean functions
Stochastic domination and weak convergence of conditioned Bernoulli random vectors
Exclusion Sensitivity of Boolean Functions
Universal Behavior of Connectivity Properties in Fractal Percolation Models
Interacting Particle Systems: Percolation, Stochastic Domination and Randomly Evolving Environments
Refinements of Stochastic Domination
Dynamical Stability of Percolation for Some Interacting Particle Systems and $\epsilon$--Stability
One-dependent trigonometric determinantal processes are two-block-factors
Determinantal two-block-factors and dynamical percolation for some interacting particle systems
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