Carl-Fredrik Burman

Showing 9 publications


Optimized adaptive enrichment designs

T. Ondra, Sebastian Jobjörnsson, R. A. Beckman et al
Statistical Methods in Medical Research. Vol. 7 (0), p. 2096-2111
Journal article

A decision theoretical modeling for Phase III investments and drug licensing

Frank Miller, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Vol. 28 (4), p. 698-721
Journal article

Optimizing Trial Designs for Targeted Therapies

T. Ondra, Sebastian Jobjörnsson, R. A. Beckman et al
PLoS ONE. Vol. 11 (9)
Journal article

Late-stage pharmaceutical R&D and pricing policies under two-stage regulation

Sebastian Jobjörnsson, M. Forster, P. Pertile et al
Journal of Health Economics. Vol. 50, p. 298-311
Journal article

A decision theoretic approach to optimization of multiple testing procedures

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Biometrical Journal. Vol. 57 (1), p. 64-75
Journal article

On the choice of doses for phase III clinical trials

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 32 (10), p. 1661-1676
Journal article

A Review of: "Multiple Testing Problems in Pharmaceutical Statistics, by A. Dmitrienko, A. C. Tamhane, and F. Bretz (Eds.)".

Vera Lisovskaja, Carl-Fredrik Burman
Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. Vol. 20 (6)
Magazine article

On Sequential Treatment Allocations in Clinical Trials

Carl-Fredrik Burman
Doctoral thesis

A sequential allocation rule

Carl-Fredrik Burman
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 1 research projects


Integrated DEsign and AnaLysis of small population group trials (IDEAL)

Carl-Fredrik Burman Applied Mathematics and Statistics
European Commission (EC)

1 publication exists
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