Christian Butron

Konsult at Geology and Geotechnics image

Showing 16 publications


Characterization of the excavation damaged zone by means of geological, geophysical and hydrogeological co-interpretation

Lars O Ericsson, R. Christiansson, Christian Butron et al
8th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMS 2014; Royton Sapporo, Hotel and Convention CenterSapporo; Japan; 14 October 2014 through 16 October 2014, p. 1993-2001
Paper in proceeding

A Swedish grouting design concept: Grouting with silica sol in the Nygård and Törnskog tunnels

Christian Butron, Gunnar Gustafson, Johan Funehag
Geotechnical Special Publication (228 GSP), p. 826-835
Paper in proceeding

Pre-excavation grouting in the Sjökullen tunnels: Design, evaluation and experiences

Christian Butron, Johan Funehag, Gunnar Gustafson

A swedish grouting design concept: Hydraulic testing and selection of grout

Åsa Fransson, M. Zetterlund, Gunnar Gustafson et al
Geotechnical Special Publication (228 GSP), p. 1691-1700
Paper in proceeding

A hard rock tunnel case study: Characterization of the water-bearing fracture system for tunnel grouting

Lisa Hernqvist, Christian Butron, Åsa Fransson et al
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Vol. 30, p. 132-144
Journal article

Effektiv spricköppning och bruksval baserat på vattenförlustmätningar

Åsa Fransson, Gunnar Gustafson, Christian Butron et al
Bergmekanikdagen 2011/ 12:e ISRM kongressen, p. 13 s.-
Other conference contribution

Drip sealing of tunnels in hard rock: A new concept for the design and evaluation of permeation grouting

Christian Butron, Gunnar Gustafson, Åsa Fransson et al
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Vol. 25 (2), p. 114-121
Journal article

How impermeable can a tunnel get? A case study with drip mapping as a method

Christian Butron, Johan Funehag, Gunnar Gustafson
11th IAEG Congress 2010: Geologically active, p. 2711 - 2719
Paper in proceeding

Silica sol for rock grouting: Laboratory testing of strength, fracture behaviour and hydraulic conductivity

Christian Butron, Magnus Axelsson, Gunnar Gustafson
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Vol. 24 (6), p. 603-607
Journal article

Assessment of the transmissivity field in fractured rock: A case study in the tass tunnel

Christian Butron, Gunnar Gustafson, Johan Funehag
Nordic Symposium of Rock Grouting
Paper in proceeding

Pre-grouting design and evaluation in an underground excavation: A case study

Christian Butron, Gunnar Gustafson, Johan Funehag
Proceedings of the world tunnel congress, 2008, Agra, India. Vol. 1 (1), p. 383-390
Paper in proceeding

Grouting in the Nygård Tunnel: Pre-Grouting Design for Drip Sealing and Evaluation

Christian Butron, Gunnar Gustafson, Johan Funehag

Characterisation of the hydraulic properties of fractured rock from grouting data

Gunnar Gustafson, Christian Butron, Åsa Fransson
Toyama, Japan-IAH 2008 Toyoma: Integrating Groundwater Science and Human Well-Being
Paper in proceeding

Silica Sol for Rock Grouting - Tests on Mechanical Properties

Christian Butron, Magnus Axelsson, Gunnar Gustafson

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