Camilla Johansson
Showing 16 publications
Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy for Thermal Analysis of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
Mapping fullerene crystallization in a photovoltaic blend: an electron tomography study
Sub-glass transition annealing enhances polymer solar cell performance
Stability study of quinoxaline and pyrido pyrazine based co-polymers for solar cell applications
Electron microscopy of organic solar cells thermally stabilized with fullerene nucleating agents
Stability of Bulk-heterojunction blends for Solar Cell Applications
Fullerene Nucleating Agents: A Route Towards Thermally Stable Photovoltaic Blends
Neat C60:C70 buckminsterfullerene mixtures enhance polymer solar cell performance
Facile Monitoring of Fullerene Crystallization in Polymer Solar Cell Blends by UV–vis Spectroscopy
Nucleation-limited fullerene crystallisation in a polymer–fullerene bulk-heterojunction blend
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