Dorotea Caprio

Doctoral Student at Structural Engineering

Dorotea is a doctoral student at the division of structural engineering, in the research group lightweight structures. Dorotea’s main research interest is mechanical behaviour of timber connections and their influence on the reliability of statically indeterminate timber structures.

The current design approach based on element-by-element verification looks inadequate to evaluate the real performance and reliability of complex and statically indeterminate timber structures. The real behaviour of joints and the scatter in material properties of members and of connections need to be, in fact, considered. The project aims at identifying the impact of connections on the reliability of statically indeterminate timber structures for the evolution of system reliability-based structural design that will lead to more efficient and safe use of timber material.

Image of Dorotea Caprio

Showing 5 publications


Regression Models for the Description of the Behaviour of Modern Timber Joints

Dorotea Caprio, Robert Jockwer
Buildings. Vol. 13 (11)
Journal article

Reliability of statically indeterminate timber structures: Modelling approaches and sensitivity study

Dorotea Caprio, Robert Jockwer, Mohammad al-Emrani
Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2022, p. 1649-1655
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of parameters influencing the load-deformation behaviour of connections with laterally loaded dowel-type fasteners

Robert Jockwer, Dorotea Caprio, André Jorissen
Wood Material Science and Engineering. Vol. 17 (1), p. 6-19
Journal article

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