Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza

Showing 15 publications


Glass Forming Acceptor Alloys for Highly Efficient and Thermally Stable Ternary Organic Solar Cells

Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, Christian Müller
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 8 (28)
Journal article

Environmentally friendly preparation of nanoparticles for organic photovoltaics

Xun Pan, A. Sharma, Desta Antenehe Gedefaw et al
Organic Electronics: physics, materials, applications. Vol. 59, p. 432-440
Journal article

Glass-forming ternary blends: towards stable Polymer Solar Cells

Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza
Doctoral thesis

Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy for Thermal Analysis of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films

Ferry Nugroho, Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, Camilla Lindqvist et al
Analytical Chemistry. Vol. 89 (4), p. 2575-2582
Journal article

Enhanced thermal stability of a polymer solar cell blend induced by electron beam irradiation in the transmission electron microscope

Olof Bäcke, Camilla Lindqvist, Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 173, p. 16-23
Journal article

A Fullerene Alloy Based Photovoltaic Blend with a Glass Transition Temperature above 200 °C

Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, A. Melianas, Ferry Nugroho et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 5 (8), p. 4156-4162
Journal article

Enhanced thermal stability of a polymer solar cell blend induced by electron beam irradiation in the transmission electron microscope

Olof Bäcke, Camilla Lindqvist, Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza et al
Ultramicroscopy. Vol. 176 (Spec. Issue), p. 23-30
Journal article

Nano-pathways: Bridging the divide between water-processable nanoparticulate and bulk heterojunction organic photovoltaics

N. P. Holmes, M. Marks, P. Kumar et al
Nano Energy. Vol. 19, p. 495-510
Journal article

On the Effect of Prevalent Carbazole Homocoupling Defects on the Photovoltaic Performance of PCDTBT:PC71BM Solar Cells

F. Lombeck, H. Komber, D. Fazzi et al
Advanced Energy Materials. Vol. 6 (21)
Journal article

Molecular Weight Determination by Counting Molecules

Yuxi Tian, Marina V. Kuzimenkova, Johannes Halle et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Vol. 6 (6), p. 923-927
Journal article

Mapping fullerene crystallization in a photovoltaic blend: an electron tomography study

Olof Bäcke, Camilla Lindqvist, Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza et al
Nanoscale. Vol. 7 (18), p. 8451-8456
Journal article

Comparison of selenophene and thienothiophene incorporation into pentacyclic lactam-based conjugated polymers for organic solar cells

Renee Kroon, A. Melianas, Wenliu Zhuang et al
Polymer Chemistry. Vol. 6 (42), p. 7402-7409
Journal article

High-Entropy Mixtures of Pristine Fullerenes for Solution-Processed Transistors and Solar Cells

Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, A. Melianas, Stephan Rossbauer et al
Advanced Materials. Vol. 27 (45), p. 7325-7331
Journal article

A New Tetracyclic Lactam Building Block for Thick, Broad-Bandgap Photovoltaics

Renee Kroon, Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, Scott Himmelberger et al
Journal of the American Chemical Society. Vol. 136 (33), p. 11578-11581
Journal article

Neat C60:C70 buckminsterfullerene mixtures enhance polymer solar cell performance

Amaia Diaz de Zerio Mendaza, J. Bergqvist, Olof Bäcke et al
Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Vol. 2 (35), p. 14354-14359
Journal article

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