Christos Oikonomou

Showing 16 publications


Comparison of Softening Behavior and Abrasive Wear Resistance between Conventionally and Additively Manufactured Tool Steels

Miwen Yuan, Lars Nyborg, Christos Oikonomou et al
Steel Research International. Vol. 95 (6)
Journal article

Softening Behavior of a Cold Work Tool Steel and High-Boron Tool Steel Fabricated by Directed Energy Deposition

Miwen Yuan, Lars Nyborg, Christos Oikonomou et al
Steel Research International. Vol. 95 (3)
Journal article

Atmosphere control during hot isostatic pressing of capsule free materials

Hans Magnusson, Eleonora Rydgren, Fredrik Gustavsson et al
Proceedings - Euro PM2020 Congress and Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Atmosphere control during hot isostatic pressing of capsule-free materials

Hans Magnusson, Johannes Gårdsstam, Bartek Kaplan et al
Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Environmental and safety aspects of AM metal powder recycling

P. Mellin, Mats Zackrisson, Sepehr Hatami et al
Euro PM 2019 Congress and Exhibition
Paper in proceeding

Understanding the microstructure-properties relationship of low-temperature carburized austenitic stainless steels through EBSD analysis

Giulio Maistro, Christos Oikonomou, Lina Rogström et al
Surface and Coatings Technology. Vol. 322 (322), p. 141-151
Journal article

An XPS investigation on the thermal stability of the insulating surface layer of soft magnetic composite powder

Christos Oikonomou, Eduard Hryha, Lars Nyborg
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 48 (7), p. 445-450
Journal article

Assessment of the compacting and annealing process steps on the performance of finished Soft Magnetic Composite components

Christos Oikonomou, Daniel Castillo Gutiérrez, Miguel Monclús et al
Euro PM2015 Proceedings, 4-7 October 2015
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of the thickness and roughness of homogeneous surface layers on spherical and irregular powder particles

Christos Oikonomou, Dimitrios Nikas, Eduard Hryha et al
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 46 (10-11), p. 1028-1032
Journal article

Effect of heat treatment in air on surface composition of iron-phosphate based soft magnetic composite components

Christos Oikonomou, Raquel De Oro Calderón, Eduard Hryha et al
Materials Science & Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. Vol. 189, p. 90-99
Journal article

Effect of Powder Properties on the Compressibility of Water-Atomized Iron and Low-Alloyed Steel Grades

Christos Oikonomou, Eduard Hryha, Lars Nyborg et al
Euro PM2013 Proceedings. Vol. 2, p. 205-212
Paper in proceeding

Surface Chemical Analysis of Soft Magnetic Composite Podwers

Christos Oikonomou, Eduard Hryha, Lars Nyborg
Materials for Tomorrow 2012
Conference poster

Influence of additives on texture development of submicro- and nanocrystalline Nickel

Uta Klement, Christos Oikonomou, Robert Chulist et al
Materials Science Forum. Vol. 702-703, p. 928-931
Paper in proceeding

Development of methodology for surface analysis of soft magnetic composite powders

Christos Oikonomou, Eduard Hryha, Lars Nyborg
Surface and Interface Analysis. Vol. 44 (8), p. 1166-1170
Journal article

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