Christer Rydberg

Showing 8 publications


First- and second-order statistics of partially coherent, high-numerical-aperture optical fields

Christer Rydberg
Optics Letters. Vol. 33 (2), p. 104-106
Journal article

Design method for small-f-number microlenses based on a finite thickness model in combination with the Yang-Gu phase-retrieval algorithm

Christer Rydberg, Ben-Yuan Gu, Guo-Zhen Yuan
Journal of the Optical Society of America A. Vol. 24, p. 517-521
Journal article

Performance of diffractive optical elements for homogenizing partially coherent light

Jörgen Bengtsson, Christer Rydberg
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. Vol. 24, p. 3069-3079
Journal article

Numerical algorithm for the retrieval of spatial coherence properties of partially coherent beams from transverse intensity measurements

Christer Rydberg, Jörgen Bengtsson
Opt. Express. Vol. 15, p. 13614-13623
Journal article

Efficient numerical representation of the optical field for the propagation of partially coherent radiation with a specified spatial and temporal coherence function

Christer Rydberg, Jörgen Bengtsson
Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision. Vol. 23 (7), p. 1616-1625
Journal article

Dynamic laser speckle as a detrimental phenomenon in optical projection lithography

Christer Rydberg, Jörgen Bengtsson, Torbjörn Sandström
Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication and Microsystems. Vol. 5 (3), p. 33004-1-8-
Journal article

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