Cecilia Gabrielii
Showing 25 publications
Measures to reduce discharges and emissions
Optimal load allocation of complex ship power plants
Energy and exergy analysis of a cruise ship
Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems - The case study of a chemical tanker
A feasibility analysis of waste heat recovery systems for marine applications
A preliminary study on the application of thermal storage to merchant ships
Energy and exergy analysis of ship energy systems - the case study of a chemical tanker
Energy analysis of a ship - the case study of a chemical tanker
New Refrigerant Blends to Replace R22 - A Klimat 21 Report
HFC Mixtures as Replacement for HCFC-22 in Large-Scale Heat Pumps and Chillers
Replacement of R22 in Heat Pumps Used for District Heating
Ersättning av R22 i fjärrvärmesystem. Är HFC-blandningar bättre än R134a?" (in Swedish)
Mixtures To Replace R22 in High-Temperature Heat Pumps
Changes in optimal design of a dry-expansion evaporation when replacing r22 with r407c
Replacement of R22 in tube-and-shell condensers: experiments and simulations
Hur påverkas förångardesignen då blandningar med glide används?
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