Cristina Teixeira

Showing 4 publications


Barley products of different fibre composition selectively change microbiota composition in rats

Cristina Teixeira, Olena Prykhodko, Marie Alminger et al
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Vol. 62 (19)
Journal article

Application of a dynamic gastrointestinal in vitro model combined with a rat model to predict the digestive fate of barley dietary fibre and evaluate potential impact on hindgut fermentation

Cristina Teixeira, Margareta Nyman, Roger Andersson et al
Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre. Vol. 9, p. 7-13
Journal article

Barley malt products for improved intestinal health

Cristina Teixeira
Doctoral thesis

Effects of variety and steeping conditions on some barley components associated with colonic health

Cristina Teixeira, Margareta Nyman, Roger Andersson et al
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. Vol. 96 (14), p. 4821-4827
Journal article

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