Dick Stenmark
Showing 47 publications
Leveraging Bystander Reports in Emergency Response Work: Framing Emergency Managers Social Media Use
Social Networking Sites, Innovation and the Patient as Peer - The Case of PatientsLikeMe
Why should Organisations Govern Enterprise Search?
Consultant strategies and Technological affordances: Managing organisational social media
Social media as management fashion – A discourse perspective
Distrust in information systems research
Path creation in the railroad industry: Dimensions of design in IT-enabled innovation
Information Seeking in Organisations: A Comparative Survey of Intranet Usage
Integration for innovation: Studying the role of middleware in RFID applications
Enabling process innovation through sensor technology: A multiple case study of RFID deployment
RFID deployment patterns: a case study of five railroad applications of RFID
Sensor technology in the railroad sector: potentials and obstacles
Towards a common information infrastructure for the Swedish railroad industry
Knowledge Workers' use of electronic information sources
Web 2.0 in the business environment: The new intranet or a passing hype?
Identifying clusters of user behaviour in intranet search engine log files
Knowledge Management Systems: Towards a Theory of Integrated Support
Email as an Integration Device: A Study of Work Place Information Seeking
Challenges and Pitfalls in Portal Information Management
Analysing terms, pairs, triplets and full queries used in intranet searching
Contextual characteristics of creativity: Effects on IT-supported organisational brainstorming
System Support for Knowledge Work: Bridging the Knowing-Doing Gap
Intranet Users' Information-Seeking Behaviour: An Analysis of Longitudinal Search Log Data
Corporate intranet failures: Interpreting a case study through the lens of formative context
What are you searching for? A content analysis of intranet search engine logs
Portal Information Integration and Ownership misfits: A Case Study in a Tourism Setting
Searching the intranet: Corporate users and their queries
Knowledge sharing on a corporate intranet: Effects of re-instating web authoring capabilities
Information Management obstacles in a Tourism Portal Setting
Query expansion on a corporate intranet: Using LSI to increase precision in explorative search
Knowledge sharing through increased user participation on a corporate intranet
One week with a corporate search engine: A time-based analysis of intranet information seeking
How intranets differ from the web: organisational culture's effect on technology
Information seeking in organisations
Failures of Reward-driven Behaviour in Industry: A case of Systems, Management and Creativity
Managing knowledge through everyday activities
Leveraging Knowledge Management in everyday practice
Intranets and Organisational Culture
Intranet as formative context: a study of an under-utilized corporate web
Rethinking competence systems for knowledge-based organizations
Designing Competence Systems: Towards Interest-Activated Technology
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