Dan Lämkull
Showing 39 publications
Immersive Human-Robot Collaboration in Restricted or Confined Spaces
A systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly
Data Quality Problems in Discrete Event Simulation of Manufacturing Operations
A Methodology for Continuous Quality Assurance of Production Data
An algorithm for data-driven shifting bottleneck detection
Considerations for aggregation of motion-captured files in structured databases for DHM applications
Using Methods-Time Measurement to Connect Digital Humans and Motion Databases
Schema for Motion Capture Data Management
DHM in Automotive Manufacturing Applications
Industrial customisation of digital human modelling tools
National Standard vs. Corporate-Internal Ergonomics Evaluation - an Industrial Case Study
Verifiera ergonomin i förväg med simulering
Representing the elderly in digital human modelling
Visualisation of human characteristics in vehicle and health care product development.
Towards Dynamic Ergonomics Analysis of Work Sequences in Virtual Environments.
The influence of virtual human model appearance on visual ergonomics posture evaluation.
Digital Human Modeling Requirements and Standardization.
Reduce of ergonomics design flaws through virtual methods.
Identifying time-consuming human modelling tool activities
Consistency in figure posturing results within and between simulation engineers
Structured time observation of human modelling tool users' activites.
Digital Human Models' Appearance Impact on Observers' Ergonomic Assessment
Simulation for Manufacturing Engineering (ViPP)
Influence of Human Model Appearance on Observer Ergonomic Assessment
Simulation for manufacturing engineering (ViPP)
Task-related Field of View Parameters
Task-related field of view parameters
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