Sigma Dolins

Showing 8 publications


Riding with strangers: profiling potential users and refusers of shared autonomous vehicles in Swedish cities

Sigma Dolins, Marianne Karlsson, Göran Smith et al
Journal article

Whose Job Is Sharing Anyway? Exploring Swedish expert and actor views on the introduction of autonomous, on-demand public transport.

Sigma Dolins, Marianne Karlsson, Göran Smith et al
, p. 1-6
Other conference contribution

AVs Have a Sharing Problem: Examining User Acceptance of Shared, Autonomous Public Transport in Sweden

Sigma Dolins, Marianne Karlsson, Helena Strömberg
IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, p. 6102-6107
Paper in proceeding

Diagnosing Sharing Anxiety

Sigma Dolins
Licentiate thesis

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Showing 1 research projects


Societal Readiness Levels for Autonomous Vehicles

MariAnne Karlsson Design and Human Factors
Helena Strömberg Design and Human Factors
Sigma Dolins Design and Human Factors

7 publications exist
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