Dragan Sekulic

Showing 7 publications


Determination of safe speeds for a heavy articulated vehicle when passing a floating bridge tower under crosswind

Dragan Sekulic, Alexey Vdovin, Bengt J H Jacobson et al
Results in Engineering
Journal article

Methods to introduce floating bridge motion and wind excitation on a model for the investigation of heavy vehicle dynamics

Pramod Sivaramakrishnan, Ajit Kumar Madhava Prakash, Dragan Sekulic et al
Applied Mathematical Modelling. Vol. 117, p. 118-141
Journal article

Dynamic amplification factor of multi-span simply supported beam bridge under traffic flow

Cuipeng Xia, Bin Wang, Tingyuan Luo et al
Advances in Structural Engineering. Vol. 25 (8), p. 1829-1847
Journal article

Analysis of vehicle path tracking ability and lateral stability on a floating bridge under a crosswind

Dragan Sekulic, Alexey Vdovin, Simone Sebben et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 227
Journal article

Effects of wind loads and floating bridge motion on intercity bus lateral stability

Dragan Sekulic, Alexey Vdovin, Bengt J H Jacobson et al
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Vol. 212
Journal article

Investigation of Seat Suspensions with Embedded Negative Stiffness Elements for Isolating Bus Users' Whole-Body Vibrations

Georgios Papaioannou, Dragan Sekulic, Efstathios Velenis et al
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Effect of floating bridge motion on vehicle ride comfort and road grip

Dragan Sekulic, Bengt J H Jacobson, Stian Johannesen Moe et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 1416-1424
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Driving Comfort and Tracking Ability of Vehicles on Floating Bridges Moving due to Wind and Water Disturbances

Dragan Sekulic Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Alexey Vdovin Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Simone Sebben Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Bengt J H Jacobson Vehicle Engineering and Autonomous Systems
Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA)

5 publications exist
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